Looking forward to seeing as many people as possible turning out for the 1st
annual Polar Bear Paddle. Jan 1st, 11:00 AM, Owen Beach, Point Defiance Park.
Please bring a canned food donation for St. Leo's Food Bank, and renew your
Matelot membership for 2010, with a chance to win great gear in our swagbag
raffle. ($12/yr.)
The length of the paddle will be dictated by conditions... it will probably be
raining, so plan accordingly. We'll have some coffee and hot drinks available
(and maybe a warming fire, too.) The event will be over by 1:00 PM at the
latest, so not a real big paddling day, either way. It got good exposure in last
week's TNT, so I am hoping that we can start the new year off with a bang. Bring
a friend... see you there.