The Matelót Kayak Club is a Tacoma-area group of paddlers that are active throughout western Washington. Paddle trips, clinics and recreational paddling opportunities contribute to a dynamic club environment, where our only limitations are things we haven't tried yet. Membership is $12/year and open to kayakers, canoeists and standup paddleboarders who are looking for more time on the water.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Polar Bear Paddle coming up

Looking forward to seeing as many people as possible turning out for the 1st
annual Polar Bear Paddle. Jan 1st, 11:00 AM, Owen Beach, Point Defiance Park.
Please bring a canned food donation for St. Leo's Food Bank, and renew your
Matelot membership for 2010, with a chance to win great gear in our swagbag
raffle. ($12/yr.)

The length of the paddle will be dictated by conditions... it will probably be
raining, so plan accordingly. We'll have some coffee and hot drinks available
(and maybe a warming fire, too.) The event will be over by 1:00 PM at the
latest, so not a real big paddling day, either way. It got good exposure in last
week's TNT, so I am hoping that we can start the new year off with a bang. Bring
a friend... see you there.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy New Year!

The January meeting (January 11, 2010), will feature trip reports on the Holiday Lights outing as well as the Polar Bear Paddle, along with trip reports from any other excursions that members have been out on since our last meeting in November.

Cold-Weather Paddling is the topic of discussion for the January meeting. Learn tips and techniques that will make cold-season trips more enjoyable, and share your insights on winter paddling with the rest of us.

We are setting up a Matelot paddling library for use by all members. Please look through your paddling books, videos and magazines for items you'd be willing to donate to the cause. Bring what you can to the January meeting; we'll be starting the process then.

Please remember to renew your membership for 2010. We'll have sign-up sheets on hand at the meetings and at official Matelot events (like the Polar Bear Paddle), so get yours today! $12 for the year, and well worth it.

Check your calendar and join us for an Anderson Island overnight paddle. Jan 30-31, 2010. Space is limited so RSVP as soon as you can. Ken - (253)691-7941

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Something New

Welcome to the new Matelot message board! The Yahoo Group site that we've been using for years will stay the same... club members will still use that site to communicate with each other and coordinate specific trips. This is simply another way to get the word out about upcoming meetings and events, as well as share reports about the places we've already been.

See you on the water!